Sunday, December 28, 2014

Must-Have New Year's Resolutions

As January 1st rolls around each year, people around the world create a list of "new year's resolutions." These lists usually include: exercise more, eat healthier, be more "green" and so on. To me, these resolutions have always seemed so intimidating and general. So, here are my must-haves for this new year, 2015! :)

  1. Drink at least one cup of green tea a day.
  2. Remember to hug my family members each time I leave the house.
  3. Have "outside time" every day, even if it is raining.
  4. Every once in a while, admire the sky.
  5. Learn one new word every week and use it in a conversation.
  6. Don't wear makeup on Sundays. (Or any day if you don't want to)
  7. People watch in the park more often.
  8. Go somewhere that you've never been before at least once a month.
  9. Eat chocolate and do not feel guilt afterwards. ;)
  10. Keep a dream journal.

                                                       That's all for now.


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